Astrological America: Which U.S. States Are Addicted to Astrology?

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Which U.S. States Are Addicted to Astrology?

Real astrology enthusiasts know their sun signs, moon signs, rising signs, and everything in between. More and more Americans are turning to astrology, celestial charts, and apps like Co–Star to get relationship advice and answer all of life’s burning questions. For this study, the team at Shane Co. looked at the most searched-for astrology questions and terms throughout the country to find out which U.S. states are the most star-crazed.


To find out which U.S. states were the most obsessed with astrology, we turned to online search interest. We began by searching for concepts that align with astrology and reviewed frequently asked questions. We gathered 69 search terms from sources, including, The Astrology Dictionary, and Answer the Public, and used search interest from the past five years to determine which states were seeking signs from the stars the most.

Astrology-Obsessed Americans

U.S. map showing every state’s astrology obsession level.

Americans residing on the west coast are generally more interested in reading their celestial charts. The Golden State came in first on our list of astrology-obsessed U.S. states, with Nevada and Oregon following closely behind. Astrology has many celebrity endorsements coming out of Hollywood, like Cameron Diaz and Emma Stone.

New York was the most astrology-obsessed state on the east coast. It should come as no surprise, as The Big Apple is one of the most diverse cities in the country and a renowned center for the arts. Regardless of your sign, there’s something written in the stars in The Empire State for everyone. The Four Seasons offers an astrological itinerary for lost lovers in the city who are “looking for a sign” to figure out what sights to see next.

Midwesterners were the least interested in learning about their horoscopes. North and South Dakota came in last on our list of astrology-obsessed Americans. Our guess is that with so many places to stargaze and front-row seats to the Northern Lights, residents of the Dakotas prefer to step outside and see the stars for themselves rather than search for them online. 

The Most Popular Astrological Signs

Graphic showing the most searched-for astrological signs.

When it came to seeking advice about select star signs, Taurus was the most searched-for zodiac of them all. According to Cosmopolitan magazine, the Taurus is often misunderstood and perceived by many as lazy and stubborn. Ouch! The enigmatic bull was the most searched-for sign in 15 states across the country, meaning if you have been perplexed by the Taurus in your life, you’re not the only one.

According to Socrates, “to know thyself is the beginning of wisdom.” This quote is likely accurate for our second most searched-for star sign across the country, Virgo. Many of those searches likely came from curious Virgos themselves, as their sign is one of the most logical and systemic in the zodiac. They prefer to face challenges head-on using logic and reasoning and are always hungry to learn more.

Pisces was the third most sought out star sign and the most popular pick among southern states. People of this zodiac sign are known for being emotionally sensitive and idealistic, meaning they look for the best qualities in others. Many consider Pisces dreamers and romantics, which makes southern states like Florida, with its beaches and frequent rain, the perfect destination for daydreaming.

Looking for a Sign: Top Astrological Searches Online

Graphic for the top astrological searches online.

People turn to astrologers for everything from romance to finances and everything in between. We discovered what astrology enthusiasts are seeking to learn from the stars by seeing which questions each state asked the most. Is your state simply curious about what their sign is or are they looking to answer some of life’s deeper questions?

Residents in Hawaii, Nevada, and Rhode Island are among those searching most to learn about Mercury in retrograde. Three to four times a year, Mercury goes through a three-week cycle where the planet appears to move backward. While this creates an interesting optical illusion, it’s also considered to bring about a period of bad luck. We’re certain that many visiting The Sin City are turning to the constellations to find out if they’ll get lucky.

Despite many residents in Arkansas not being interested in astrology, they were one of the states most interested in learning what their signs are. Everyone has to start somewhere, right? Over to the west, Oregonians were the most curious in learning about tarot cards. Portland is home to many card readers who use tarot cards to answer your most pressing questions and predict the future.

Closing Thoughts

While it feels like mercury is perpetually in retrograde these days, Americans are able to turn to astrology to get their most urgent questions answered and address any problems they may have. We found that while some states are simply interested in learning what their star signs are, many more are avid astrology readers who use their horoscopes to help them navigate life’s many challenges. What are some things you turn to the stars for?
Love-seekers around the world turn to astrology to find out which signs they’re most romantically compatible with. Whether your romance is written in the stars or you’re star-crossed lovers defying the odds, Shane Co. has a wide selection of engagement rings and other fine jewelry to help you shine bright as the constellations.

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