Every State’s Favorite Flower

A header image for a blog about every state’s favorite flower
A header image for a blog about every state’s favorite flower

Whether you’re a green thumb, always eager to cultivate a dazzling new flower variety, or wondering why your neighbor can’t stop talking about their new hydrangeas, you have to admit that flowers have a way of brightening up our days. From the majestic California poppy to the heart-shaped pansy, each flower has its unique style, and each state has its favorite flower.

Summer’s here, and as gardens and meadows burst into a riot of colors, we decided to dig into the rich soil of Google Trends data to bring you a bloom-by-bloom picture of U.S. flower preferences by state.

From the common marigold to the exotic African lily, read on to see what’s blossoming in your state!

The Most Popular Flower in Every U.S. State

A U.S. map showing the most popular flower in every U.S. state

Our map shows some serious variety when it comes to state-by-state flower preferences. Let’s have a look!

Often overshadowed by its more ostentatious counterparts, the modest pansy shook up our study and united six states! Georgia, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, and Tennessee prefer its heart-shaped petals and vibrant blossoms over any other bloom, proving the age-old adage that there lies unique beauty in simplicity.

Matching the pansy in popularity, the hydrangea also had six U.S. states feeling the love (Illinois, Massachusetts, Michigan, Ohio, Rhode Island, and Vermont). With cloud-like flower clusters that appear in colors from pure white to pinks and blues depending on soil acidity, some varieties can grow up to 12 feet tall!

Mum’s the word in Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Missouri, and West Virginia. Residents of these five states prefer chrysanthemums hands down. This multi-petaled wonder steps into the autumn spotlight as other flowers fade and ignites the garden with an explosion of color. From fiery reds to serene whites and sunny yellows, the chrysanthemum is the star of any bouquet.

The sunflower, with its radiant yellow blooms and edible seeds (in some variants), stands tall as the favorite flower in four states (Kansas, Mississippi, New Mexico, and South Dakota). A floral beacon of optimism, you can’t beat a sunflower for positive garden vibes!

In folklore, the periwinkle (a favorite in four U.S. states) symbolizes blossoming friendships and eternal love. Arkansas, Delaware, New Jersey, and Virginia are big fans of the charming creeper with its delicate blue or white flowers and glossy evergreen leaves. Why do these states love it? It may be the periwinkle’s unassuming strength that allows it to thrive and add color where other flowers can’t.

Native to South Africa, the African lily has a new home in Florida, Louisiana, and Texas. This sun-loving tropical plant produces striking, globe-shaped clusters of flowers (typically in blue or white hues) that soar above strappy, dark green leaves on tall, slender stalks.

Closing Thoughts

Our floral exploration reveals a beautiful tapestry of petals and stems nationwide. Our study reveals that from the petite pansy to the tropical African lily, American state-to-state flower preferences are as diverse, colorful, and beautiful as this great nation!

As summer unfolds, whether you’re marveling at hydrangeas in Ohio or appreciating periwinkles in Virginia, remember the beauty in diversity and the joy of shared experiences. And should you feel inspired to pair nature’s elegant blossoms with a unique piece from Shane Co., we have an exquisite range of jewelry to complement every style and every individual.


To determine the most popular flower in every U.S. state, we started with a list of 60 common flower types from 1800Flowers.com. Then, we looked up the top-searched flowers in every state over the past 12 months using search interest from Google Trends. For this study, we used search interest as a measure of popularity.

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