How Will You Choose to Express Yourself?

We all express ourselves differently. I am one who believes that anything worth expressing should be done so boldly and with passion. I want the world to know that I have a voice! Others take a more subtle approach, but that doesn’t make their sentiments any less important. Because we all have different ideas of how to show the world who we are, it is crucial to have options when it comes to self-expression. Plus, it’s always fun to have choices to play around with. The new Expressions by Tom Shane collection allows us to do just that.

BlogImages_Mar2ndHalf_ExpressionsCollection3Tom’s Expressions collection features nearly 100 different pendants, all specifically designed to be anything but ordinary. There is truly something that will make a statement for everyone. The pendants come in all three colors of 14 karat gold (white, yellow and rose), plus two-tone gold combinations. Many of the pendants also have gorgeous diamond accents.

There are about 50 Expressions pendants on my Wish List (yes, I’m in love with this collection!), but my favorite is a diamond pendant with black rhodium accents that’s made for a pear-shaped gemstone. I guarantee that there is a pendant in this collection that you will fall in love with, too.

Diamond Pendant with Black Rhodium Accent for Pear Shape GemstoneWith prices starting at $250, you don’t have to break the bank, and the collection also allows you the freedom to choose your favorite gemstone as the focal point. You can either spice things up with a bold colored sapphire or keep it classic with a diamond. I chose a green sapphire as the center gemstone in my pendant because as soon as I saw it, it made me say “wow!” With all-natural sapphires in every color of the rainbow and a huge selection of diamonds, you can mix and match the pendants and the gemstones until you achieve your own wow factor.

One of the other things I appreciate about the Expressions collection is how easy it is to visualize online. If I am spending my hard-earned money, I want to know that my purchase will be perfect. No buyer’s remorse! All you have to do to start creating your perfect pendant is visit and type “Expressions” into the search bar, and you’ll be on your way! It will show you all of the pendants, and you can further refine your search by the color of gold, by pendants that have diamond accents or even by price. Once you’ve found your pendant, the website will show you all the options you have for a center gemstone. One click on the gemstone of your choice and you will see what that gemstone would look like mounted in your pendant. That way you can change your mind as many times as you want before you purchase it, making sure you are 100% happy with your decision!  Again, it will give you a wide range of prices as well as colors, so you never have to spend more than you want to.

Go ahead, start expressing yourself!

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